2014 Visitor Perception Survey

Q1 Which of the following best describes you?
Q3 In which country/region do you reside?
Q5 How many nights did you stay in Greater Palm Springs during your visit?
What days did you visit Greater Palm Springs?
Q8 Was the primary purpose of your travel for business or leisure?
Q9 Which of the following best describes your leisure trip?
Q10 How many times have you been to Greater Palm Springs for leisure purposes in the past 3 years?
Q11 How did you, or the people/group you are travelling with, book your travel?
Q12 How far in advance did you book your travel?
Q13 Based on your experience in Greater Palm Springs during this visit, what was your overall perception of the destination?
Q14 Please rate the following aspects of your trip using a 1 to 5 scale, where 1 is "Poor" and 5 is "Excellent":
    1 - Poor   2   3   4   5 - Excellent  
    Value of your accommodations:          

    Service provided by your accommodations:          

    Quality of service from service industry employees:          

    Overall Destination Value:          

    Overall Destination Satisfaction:          
Q15 On a scale from 1 to 5, with 1 being ‘Poor’ and 5 being ‘Excellent’, please rate each of the following Greater Palm Springs destination features that you experienced during this visit: (if you did not experience a feature, select ‘N/A’)
    1 - Poor   2   3   4   5 - Excellent   N/A  



    Live entertainment            

    Museums / Galleries            


    Nightlife / Bars / Clubs            

    Palm Springs Aerial Tramway            

    National Parks / Monuments            

    Local highways and roadways / Traffic            


    Golf Courses            

    Tennis Facilities            




    Living Desert            
Q16 Are you planning to return to Greater Palm Springs for future leisure purposes?
Q17 Please rate your ACTUAL experience in Greater Palm Springs compared to what you ANTICIPATED your experience would be:
Q19 What cities did you visit while in the area? (select all that apply)
Q20 What was your primary method of travel TO Greater Palm Springs?
Q21 What Airport did you fly into?
Q22 What was your primary means of transportation while IN Greater Palm Springs?
Q24 How likely you would be to recommend visiting Greater Palm Springs to family, friends or associates:

We now have a few questions related to your spending habits while in Greater Palm Springs during your recent visit.

Q25 Including yourself, how many people traveled in your immediate party with you on this trip to Greater Palm Springs? (*persons for whom you are financially responsible for on this trip)
Including yourself, how many people live in your household who are ages…?
Q28 What type of accommodations did you stay in while visiting Greater Palm Springs?
Q32 Regarding your recent trip to Greater Palm Springs, which of the following categories did your PERSONAL travel party incur expenses while in the destination? (Select all that apply.)
Q33 Please indicate your personal travel party’s average DAILY spend on dining out while in Greater Palm Springs during your trip (meals, beverages, snacks, tips, etc.):
Q34 Please indicate your average DAILY spend on local transportation while in Greater Palm Springs during your trip (rental car, tolls, fuel, light rail, buses, taxi, car service, parking, valet, etc. - DO NOT INCLUDE AIRFARE):
Q35 Please indicate your average DAILY spend on recreation & entertainment while in Greater Palm Springs during your trip (museums, sports, cultural attractions, casinos, etc.):
Q36 Please indicate your average DAILY spend on retail shopping while in Greater Palm Springs during your trip (include all retail goods, groceries, etc.):
Q37 Please indicate your average DAILY spend on other/miscellaneous while in Greater Palm Springs during your trip (all other expenses not included previously):

Just a few more demographic questions; thank you for your patience!

Q38 Which of the following categories includes your age?
Q39 What is your gender?
Q40 Which of the following best describes your occupation?
Q41 Please include the category which best describes your household’s approximate annual income?
Q42 What is your marital status?
Q43 What is your ethnic background?

Thank you for your participation!
Please select 'Submit'.

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