Online Community Survey –
Potential New Sports Complex at the Grandview Family YMCA

(To redirect to a survey formatted for mobile devices, click HERE.)

Thank you for participating in this community survey regarding the potential development of a new sports complex at the Grandview Family YMCA.  Your input and opinions are important to the Grandview Family YMCA, the City of Millbrook, Elmore County and the project team.

Conventions, Sports and Leisure International (CSL) has been retained to research the demand for a new sports complex at the Grandview Family YMCA, potentially consisting of baseball/softball fields, soccer/football fields, outdoor tennis courts and/or an outdoor track.  The vision for these new facilities would be to provide greater access to Millbrook and Elmore County residents seeking space to host league games, practices, camps, clinics, etc., while providing an opportunity to host tournaments, meets and competitions that would attract teams/participants from outside of Elmore County.  Additionally, these facilities would provide access for current and future Elmore County students who presently do not have access to needed track, tennis, soccer/football and/or baseball/softball fields and are forced, in many cases, to travel well outside of Elmore County for practices, meets, competitions and other activities.

Importantly, the use of any potential new facility would NOT require membership at the Grandview Family YMCA.

This survey is seeking your feedback on which, if any, components of a new sports complex at the Grandview Family YMCA would best serve the needs of the community.  Your participation in this survey is very important and will allow for informed decisions to be made regarding the potential development of new facilities.

Please be as candid with your responses as possible and know that the information you provide will NOT be added to any type of sales-related database.  We will not attribute your name, email address or other contact information to the overall results. Thank you in advance for your feedback. Please click the 'Next' button below to start the survey.

  Over a 12-month period, how frequently does a member of your family utilize facilities in the Greater Montgomery area for practices, games, competitions and meets when participating in the following sports?




    Field Hockey            

    Football (Flag/Touch)            

    Football (Tackle)            




    Martial Arts/Boxing            









  Over a 12-month period, how frequently does a member of your family utilize outdoor fields or other outdoor sports facilities in Millbrook, Prattville, Wetumpka or other nearby Elmore County locations for practices, games, competitions, meets or leisure/recreation when participating in the following sports activities?  

    Field Hockey            

    Football (Flag/Touch)            

    Football (Tackle)            







    Track & Field            

    Ultimate Frisbee            

  For each of the following statements, please indicate your level of agreement or interest.
    Strongly agree   Agree   Somewhat agree   Somewhat disagree   Disagree   Strongly disagree   No opinion  
    Current athletic facilities in Elmore County meet the needs of local Elmore County citizens.              

    Current athletic facilities in Elmore County meet the needs of tournaments/competitions that draw teams from outside of Elmore County.              

    There is plenty of space available for Elmore County outdoor athletic programs              

    There is a need for a new outdoor sports complex in Elmore County.
Strongly agree
Somewhat agree
Somewhat disagree
Strongly disagree
No opinion
  How often do you travel outside of Elmore County for outdoor sports tournaments or major competitions (NOT including regular training, practices or league games) that you or a member of your family/household are participating in?
  A potential new outdoor sports complex is being considered at the Grandview Family YMCA that could potentially incorporate multisport rectangular fields (for soccer, football, etc.), baseball/softball fields, outdoor tennis courts, a 400-meter competition track and other such amenities.  How would you describe your interest in a potential new outdoor sports complex at the Grandview Family YMCA offering the following components?
    Very Positive   Somewhat Positive   Neutral   Somewhat Negative   Very Negative  
    Multisport Rectangular Fields for Soccer, Football, etc.          

    Baseball/Softball Fields          

    Outdoor Tennis Courts          

    400-meter Competition Track
Very Positive
Somewhat Positive
Somewhat Negative
Very Negative
  Are there any other amateur sports and recreation facilities that you would like Elmore County to consider developing and/or enhancing?
  Please indicate your age:
  How many family members are there in your household, including you?
  Please indicate the number of family members within your household that fall into the following age ranges (total should equal the number indicated above): In the previous question, you indicated that you have Q20 family members in your household. Enter numerical values only, i.e. "2".

  What is your approximate annual household income?

Thank you for your participation in this important planning effort!


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